Donny Hicks
D&O Orchard, Hughson, CA
Donny owns and operates an almond operation in D&O Orchard, Hughson, CA, that has been experimenting the benefits of subsurface drip irrigation. Before installing DropControl, Donny was carefully monitoring his mainline pipe, and manually starting his pump in order to keep the mainline at the necessary level. DropControl was installed in order to allow Donny to start his pump remotely once every hour for 24-hours per irrigation set, keeping his mainline full.
2,200 lb per acre yield
Project Details:
- 1,000 acre lemon and avocado ranch near Ventura, CA
- Controlling 13 different blocks
- API Integration with recommendations
We are much more efficient with this system and the ease of it...not only water savings, but energy savings as well
Project Goals:
- Total 8 in. water applied during first season using DropControl
- Total 8 in. water applied during first season using DropControl
- Significant pump energy use savings